Bless you brethren in Christ. Jesus went to the cross gave his life for us so that we may receive mercy and forgiveness, He died so that you and I might receive grace to serve God in a new way of the Spirit and not in the flesh anymore. For those who serve God must serve him in Spirit and in truth. Jesus gave himself for us so that our soul may receive redemption and salvation of God. In that case Jesus has done everything for me and you to have the peaceful life that we have today, both physically and spiritually, He has done everything well and perfect, He deserve our thanksgiving always. He deserves our appreciation and gratitude and our Worship. He doesn’t ask us for anything in return for his act of love towards us but only to serve him with heart of thanksgiving and humbleness.
Brethren, if we reflect to our past life, if we calm our minds and quiet our spirit, we see how far God has help us in every aspect lives, in our characters and manners, altitudes and our human nature. How God has transform us and make us better person. He put his spirit withing us who helps us in our journey of transformation as we devote ourselves to God. All these, and many other more shows that we own God our daily appreciation and gratitude. God doesn’t need to be the one to ask us or remind us to worship him or praise him or meditate on his word, no instead, we that receive salvation and peace must put it up ourselves to know that we must give God our gratitude.
But many people have forgetting all these and expecting the Lord to be the one to reminds them of there duty to him. We must not be too busy with our daily lives and ignore God worship.I pray that as you read this message today, God will move your heart and mind to flow with the thanksgiving and praise. God bless you.
Yours Faithfully in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Kollins Arthur