Bless you brethren in Christ Jesus , May the good Lord continue to empowers you with strength and grace to do his will. Today the good Lord has given us a message to share with you. which He entitled CONNECTED.

Many times we make a decision but we never keep to it, we make a vow not fulfil it, we make a covenant with God but we find it difficult to keep to it, many times we make a promise even to our family but never fulfil it. Brethren ,It wasn’t your fault, It wasn’t because you intend not to keep to what you had said but it is because we are human. And this makes us understand that not everything that comes to our head that we carry out, not everything that our mind thinks about, that our body carry out. It means sometimes we human, we are disconnected in functioning.

When we are disconnected to do what is right, and to make a rightful decision, when we are disconnected to walk in the ways of God. When you are disconnected from the people you love and that also loves you, then eventually you are paralysed person in mind and in action.

Paralysed in the sense that, you are disconnected from the maker, and you as a child of God, cannot walk in the ways of God. When you are disconnected from the things that will make you to be connected to the Almighty God. Then you are longer in line with Him.

And for me and you to be connected with the Maker, is for us to walk in his ways and to do the things that we make us to be connected with Him.

May God in heaven help us to be connected with him in everything we do  and guides us in a right path that pleases him.


Yours in Christ Jesus.

Pastor Kolins Arthur