Bless you brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, may your soul be bless by the Lord. In the book of John 3:16-21 Jesus said “for God so Loved the world that He gave his only son do die for us and whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
The reason why God gave Jesus to die for us is that, He may deliver us from Satan schemes and plans and his evil power. Satan has in his mind to demolish our believe system. Remember Satan is a good and perfect schemer. He desired greatly to control us and instruct us what to do. His evil plan is to demolish what we know about God, what we had come to believe in Christ and every good thing we had learn from God. This is Satan great mission in our lives.
But God who is reach in Love and mercy sent Jesus to rescue us from Satan’s power. God did not sent Jesus to condemn us or destroy us, but to enlighten and teach us more about the Living and great God. But by rejecting Jesus’ work in our lives, then we are condemn by our own actions, because God says whoever does not accept Jesus’ ways stands condemn already even though they are still alive. But the person who accept Christ in their heart and believed in him were save.
Brethren, everything about God is Believe. Just Believe!!! When you don’t believe, or you have problem in believing in God, then you are only wasting your time in your service for God, or in your praying to Him. Because the word of God says, whoever comes to God must first believe that He is real, and He diligently rewarded those who serve him well.
Today I encourage you to start believing in God and in his mighty power. For created all things both the things you see and the things you did not see. The wind, the storm, the rain, the snow, the water, the mountains, the hills, the ground, the air, the havoc, the angel of death, the destroyers, the ability to smell, to think, to talk, to move, to whisper, to blink eyes and so many more things that we cannot finish counting, all things are made by God.
Therefore, learn to believe in Christ and talk to him everyday. For He is waiting to hear from you. Today if you read this message, do not harden your heart. For God loves you.
Peace be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you brethren in Christ Jesus, it is an honour to present to you the word of God today,
According to the bible in the book of John 19…the bible let us know how much Jesus suffer in the hand of the religious leaders. How He was hated and despise by the people. The man Jesus came to this world as a sacrificial Lamb of God in order for the soul of mankind to be save and avoid God’s condemnation through sin.
But we rejected him and despises him, hated him and even spit on him. He went through a lot of difficulties and challenges in the hands of religious leaders, those that supposed to know the word of God and obey it, but they are the one who stand as an opposition to the saviour. They calls him all sorts of names because the people don’t want to accept him as the son of God, but regard him as an impostor.
Jesus came with the news of salvation, He came with a news of freedom .He did not only die for the Christian or for the good people only but He died for both the wicked and the ungodly. Both the rich and the poor..
What Jesus went through, none of us can go through half of it, But he went through it ,in order for me and you to be alive today. That is why we can celebrated the love of God and his goodness in our life.
Therefore I encourage you today , to recognise the purpose of Christ in your life. Give yourself fully to the Lord, because He gave himself fully to you so that we may be call the children of God.
May the Spirit of the Lord empowers you with ability and grace and strength to do the will of God.
Peace be with you always. Yours in Christ our Lord. Amen
Pastor Kolins Arthur
Greetings brothers and sisters, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord bless you and strengthen you, May the Lord empowers you with wisdom and with his glory, may He deliver you from the spirit of doubt and the spirit of fear. For God said “I did not give you the spirit of fear, but I came to give you the spirit of power, love and sound mind of the Holy Spirit. May you have the sound doctrine of the Spirit of God in Jesus name. Amen
Brethren, the word of God is light. The word of God brings light into our lives. Without the word of God, there is no light in us. We remain in darkness. God remains God. He is the beginning and He is the end. Everything begins with him and ends with him. He is a timeless God. He knows all things.
The Word of God is what removes darkness out of our hearts and minds. As a child of God, without the word of God in your heart and mind, the truth is you are not really serving God. You are only playing along with the things of God. Because without his word in you, you have no light in you. And God is light. In him, there is no darkness at all.
That is why God said, “let there be light and there was light. Light comes out of darkness. We all are living in darkness, we are all born into darkness and darkness lives in us. That is why Jesus came to redeem us out of darkness and brings us into his marvellous light. The only way for us to come out of the darkness of Satan, is when we have the light of his Holy Word in our hearts.
You see brothers and sisters, when God spoke, light shines out of darkness and darkness could not overcome the light. In the same way, God’s Word commands light to shines in our heart. And this light of God’s word produces knowledge, wisdom and revelation in our heart. It produces love, peace, sound and clear mind. It brings blessings, favour and great opportunities on our way.
Therefore, brethren, I pray for you today, that may you live in the light of the word of God. May your spirit, soul and body be filled with light of God Word. Remember the word of God says:“He that lives in light, lives in God “.
May the peace of God be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you brothers and sisters in the Lord. God has made all of us in a very unique way. Everyone is unique in his/her own way. Two people are not made the same way. God has made all of us special and wonderful. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. But we must search out our own uniqueness. We must draw closer to God to help us recognise our own special uniqueness . And not to duplicate or imitate another person uniqueness.
According to the bible, After Moses the man of God has passed away, God called Joshua, and He said to Joshua, my servant Moses has joined his ancestors, and now prepare to carry the Israelite to the land I promise their ancestor. God said he would do a new thing, that the old former things are gone.
So, God did great thing through Joshua as He did through Moses, but in a different uniqueness. When we discover our own uniqueness, we become more effective in it without confusing or competing with others. Then we operate according to our own destiny and not in a destiny of another person. We become successful and great.
Brothers and sisters, I pray that God would help you to recognise your own uniqueness and work on it, so that you may become whom God has made you to be. May his love and mercy be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Pastor Kollins Arthur