Brethren in Christ Jesus our Lord and saviour, In the book of John 4:23 “the Lord Jesus said a time is coming and the time is now, when the true worshipper we will worship the father in Spirit and truth for they are the kind of worshippers the father seeks.” For God is a spirit and his worshippers must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Brothers and sisters in the Lord, this is a fundamental precept about God, this is his rules, this is how He want me and you to honour him, not how we like it. We must not do as pleases us. We must follow his way and not our own way.
In these situation brethren, I believe the Lord Jesus makes it easy for us, by telling us how he wants his service to be done, sometimes it is difficult to really know the kind of worship someone prefer. but in God’s case, He has made it easy by giving us a guidance steps to follow.
A proper worship is not only to sing a song every day or to go to church regularly, or to give to the poor and read your bible daily. No, but a proper worship that God desire from us is first to Acknowledge him in every area of our lives. And to know that the Most High is not a servant but a King, a great King.
And whenever we come before his presence or open our mouth in praise to him, we must realize that the God of Heaven and earth is not an ordinary person. We must reverence him deeply from our heart and bow our heads down before him and go on our kneels before the creator of all things and the Lord of all spirits and mankind. For He knows everything that is in our hearth and mind, and He cannot be deceive by anyone patronizing words or songs. He prefers we open our heart and mind to him fully and worship him or serve him from our inner being and not on outward service.
When we serve him in these ways, then there is a great changes and transformation in our lives. When our spirit and our heart fully devoted to him, then all things are possible for us, and nothing will be able to stand against us. This is a proper worship that God require from us.
May his Spirit draws our hearts and minds to the true worship of God, may his compassion and love moves our spirit to his worship. God bless you as you make effort to please him in every way.
Peace be with you always.
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you dear brothers and sisters. We give thanks to God for another opportunity He gave to us to write to you the word of encouragement of today. May your soul be bless as you read and meditate on this word. In the book of Number 21:4-9. The Israelites grew impatient with the Lord in the wilderness, they complained and spoke blasphemous words to God and to Moses his servant, the Lord was very angry with them and sent a venomous snake to bite them and kill them. All these happen to them because of the impatient and ungrateful behavior and altitude.
Brethren in Christ, in life it is very important not to be impatient, to succeed in life, it is not good to be impatient but rather to be grateful and learn to be patient. But why is it important to be grateful? When you are grateful, it opens the heart of God to answer the prayer that you had put before him. Bible says we should be thankful in all situations, both in bad situation and in good situation.
We should do our best not to forget our past, how far the Lord had brought us, how many trials and difficulties he had helped us to overcome in life. When we forget our past easily, then we can easily forget to be grateful.
We must recognize who God is to us in our life, for it is by him that we are who we are today. if not the Lord that was on our side, the enemy would have destroyed our life and end it for us in pain and in sorrow. We should not grow impatient with the Lord and become abusive and blasphemy like the ungrateful Israelite in the wilderness. Or else, we also would soon be destroy like them.
May the wisdom and knowledge of the Holy God be in our heart. And may his word never depart from our mind. Peace and grace and Mercy be with you in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus around the world. I greet you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. May the grace of God abide with you forever. Our word of encouragement today is meant to transform our lives and grant us the anointing of revelation and discernment. What is opportunity? Opportunity is a favourable situation life, a favourable circumstance that God brought on our ways so that we may achieve our goal and dreams in life.
God has given all of us many opportunities in life, both physical needs opportunity and Spiritual needs opportunity. For examples: opportunity to know God and serve him well. Opportunity to receive salvation for our soul through the undiluted word of God, opportunity to have a better life in this life through opening doors and favour. And many more opportunities God made available to us.
And now, it depends on us what we do with it. If we make good use of the opportunity God has provided for us, our life will be very great and successful without pain and sorrow and neither distress, but perfect peace shall accompany us in every way. we will lack nothing.
But the problems are, many of us do not grab the opportunity God made available, we waited for so long, we complained and grumbled in about things and issues till the privilege is being taking away from us.
Made children of God does not have the insight to recognise a good opportunity. They reject God’s favour ignorantly and they keep on praying to the same for the things He has provided but rejected by our own hands. And many people give up out of frustration of thinking God does not accept their prayers which were not so.
I believe the solution to all these circumstances is constant meditation of the word of God and ask God for insight to recognise good things and good people. And ask for more patient and tolerance in life.
May the grace and mercy of the Lord be with all of us in life.
Yours sincerely in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Pastor Kollins Arthur
God bless you dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. May the good Lord strengthen you and meet you at the point of your needs and desires. We give you thanks Lord for your love and for your mercy and for your grace upon us for the year 2021. We acknowledge you Lord for who you are to us.
In the book of 1 John 2:15-17. God said we should not love the world or anything in the world, if anyone love the world, the love for the father is not in them. For everything in the world, the lust of the flesh comes not from the father but from the world. For the world and its desire pass away, but whoever that does the will of God lives forever.
The word of God says that we should not live as the world lives. The world lives by what they see, they believe only on the things taught by men. The world is carried away with Satan desires and pleasures. But we as a children of God should not allow ourselves to be entice with the things of the world. We should not allow the things of this world to control our mind and senses. We are to master over them.
And the only way for us to be able to master over the desire of the flesh and his passion is when we are filled with the power of prayer and the truth of the word of God. We cannot overcome the flesh and his evil passion when we are lazy and weak in mind and lukewarm in spirit, but we become overcomer over the sinful pleasure when we devoted ourselves to fervent aggressive prayer against Satan and his evil schemes and weapons against our life and Spirit. Then believe me brethren, nothing in heaven or in earth shall or would be able to stand against us. For we are more than conqueror through the power in Christ Jesus at work within us.
For God did not call us to be weak and lazy and lukewarm, but to be filled with strength and power to uproot and tear down every power of the dark world. And pull down every imaginations and strongholds of the evil ones.
Apart from this truth, we cannot escape the net and trap of the evil ones against our spiritual and physical life. Brethren, buckle up the belt of prayer and cover yourself with the breastplate of God's word. For what we are fighting are not flesh and blood, they are wicked spirit in the heavily realm.
Wake up brethren, strengthen the feeble knee and be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
May the peace of God be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Pastor Kollins Arthur.