Gospel message of the day



Glory be to the Almighty God in heaven; our God is a good God and honour be to his Holy name. He is a wonderful God, the everlasting father. We thank you Lord for your unfailing love upon us.

Bless you brethren in Christ, we thank God for another opportunity to share with you the word of salvation. My prayer is that you will be bless with his word and your life will not remain the same.

In the book of 1 Thessalonian 5:15-24.

There are two important things as a child of God and as a believer we must not do. First, God says we must not pay wrong with wrong. This is a great advice God gave to us as his children. We must not pay evil with evil. We should think through what we are doing before caring it out. Secondly, we must do everything in our power to do what is good before God and everyone.

The reason why God said we must not pay wrong with wrong, its because when someone encourage you badly, its leads to evil desire, and evil desire leads to evil influence and evil influence can cause evil ideas. Bad advice leads us to wrong way, then you start thinking paying back wrong with wrong will give you the satisfaction you desire but at the end its not true, you become more deeper into evil. Paying wrong with wrong does not satisfy you as you think but brings more pain and fear in our life.

Brethren, its better to allow God to avenge for us than to take vengeance in our own hands. So that we may have peace of mind and free conscience to pray to God. Allow God’s will to be done in our life, because only what He plan for us can come to pass and stay. We should ask God for grace and strength to be calm when someone wronged us and wait patiently for his deliverance from our enemies who surround us.

May God strengthen your heart and soul and gives you his perfect peace in every area of your life.

God bless you.


Yours faithful in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Pastor Kollins Arthur





I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. May God’s grace, may God’s love and may God’s peace abide with you in Jesus name.

Brethren Jesus went through a sacrifice for our sake and we must appreciate that and give him all the glory and all the honour everyday of our life without dispute. we must thank him everyday of our life for his goodness and kindnesses upon us.

God want us to forget about the former things that has happened in our lives, the unpleasant situations or circumstances that makes us sad and makes us feel condemn. He want us to look forward and focus on the future. Whenever the Lord wants to do a new thing, old things passed away, and new thing began in our life. The salvation of the Lord is the new thing the Lord is about to do in our lives.

Brethren, what is Salvation means? It means we had been save from sin and death. It also means we have receive freedom from the sin that enslave me and you. Salvation is also means Deliverance from the powers of darkness and forces of Satan. It also means Redemption of our soul.

Jesus death and resurrection is to save me and you from eternal death. Bible says “for God so love the world that He gave his only begotten son,....”for God is not willing to destroy us his creation has He did before in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Then somebody must be use for sacrifice to take away my pains, my sickness and the wrath of God from my soul. And that somebody is Jesus Christ the son of God. Jesus died that we may have eternal life and our sins would be forgiven.

Therefore, fellow believers in Christ Jesus, let us give great thanks to God in heaven always for given his only begotten son Jesus as atoning sacrifice for our sins. Let us give ourselves fully to his will as we look forward for the redemption of our soul when he calls us home.

May the Spirit of Jesus Christ guide your heart and soul as you wait for the manifestation of his glorious salvation upon us who truly believe in him.

Peace be with you always.


Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour

Pastor Kollins Arthur



Bless you brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world, may the glory of the Lord rest upon you. The goal of the gospel of Jesus is all about love. Love that comes with sincere conscience and pure heart. As we come to Christ Jesus the perfecter of our faith, we must allow His Holy Spirit to fill our heart with true love and pure conscience, or else we will not be able to have a right mind to do the will of God.

When Apostle Paul was teaching a message of Christ to some followers of God, He notice that there are some false teachers who are teaching a false doctrine about Christ. The man of God urges these teachers to stop spreading fake doctrine, and not allow themself to be use by Satan to spread fake message. Because they are message that are full of lies, deceit, greediness, love of money etc He urge these false teachers to deviate from such messages. These message does not encourage, strengthen admonish and correct the children of God instead it fills their minds and hearts with all kinds of evil ways.

The Apostle reminds these teachers about the main goal of the gospel of Jesus in the book of 1 Timothy 1:5 which is love that comes from pure heart. And many had deviate from these and turn to a fake gospel which does not bring eternal glory to us. Because love is the greatest command that our Lord Jesus gave to us that we must obey.

God who is rich in mercy and patient desire for us his children to love one another. Jesus said if we love one another, then everyone will know that we are truly his disciple, but if we devour one another, then we are not a true follower of Christ.

Brethren, let us make every effort to walk in true love that comes from God. May the grace and mercy of the Lord be with us always.


Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

Pastor Kollins Arthur





Bless you dear brothers and sisters, may the spirit of the Lord rest on you. Its a great honour for me to enlighten you about the grace of God that has been pour on us in abundant measure.

Spiritually speaking darkness does not really exist, it only appears when there is no light. The absence of light is the reason why darkness exists, but when there is light, darkness has no existence. When there is no light of God in us, then darkness takes hold of our mind and heart. Jesus said, “if you have light in you, how great is that light, and if you have darkness in you, how great is that darkness?”

These days many followers of Christ living their daily life with darkness all around them and in them. It isn’t because darkness wants to follow them but because there is no light in them. And it happens because they did not create time to bring light on themself.

Light would not come to us by himself as many people presume or assume in their mind. Nothing happen by itself in life, all things are made and exist by God divine authority and power. Therefore, light can only come to us when we seek God fervently and devote ourselves to his word. Because the word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

Without the word of God richly in us as bible says, “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another...”, then we walk in darkness and darkness fill our heart and soul and mind. That is why God gave a strict instruction to us through Joshua that we should mediate on his word day and night (twice daily), so that our life (i:e this life and the eternal life) can prosper. For God’s word is eternal.

Those who are not fill with the word of God, cannot truly live a Holy life of Christ that is full of faith.

I pray that God will direct your heart to his word and may his word takes a deep root in your heart and mind.

God bless you and peace be with you always.


Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord and saviour,

Pastor Kollins Arthur
