Gospel message of the day


Bless you Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I brought you message from the Lord Jesus. Remember, God place Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and gave them instruction of how to keep the place and eat the fruit that was in the garden except the fruit of good and evil. God allow them to eat whatever there heart desire in the garden, but only the fruit of knowledge of good and evil that they must not touch and eat. But ignorantly of Adam and Eve, they listen to Satan counsel by eating the forbidden fruit and disobey the commands of God who created them and place them in the garden.

When God question Adam about why he disobeyed him and eat the forbidden fruit, Adam did not acknowledge his fault, instead he told God that it wasn’t his fault that he eats the fruit but it is the fault of the woman that God gave him. Adam refuses to realise his wrong in the scenario but only casting blame to other person around him, not finding remorse for what he had done but only arrogantly pointing fault fingers to others.

And the same nature manifest in Eve his woman, when God also ask her why she did such a horrible act, like her husband, she also begins to blame the serpent. But the serpent never forces them to eat the forbidden fruit, he only gave them his deceitful counsel in which both Adam and Eve have the right to accept serpent counsel or not. But because Adam and Eve had no fear of God enough in their heart, and they themselves were full of pride, this makes them easily yield to Satan evil counsel.

God was not intended to render curse on Adam and Even, but because they refuse to acknowledge there wrongdoing. And their deeds show ungratefulness to the kindness and love of God, the Lord was provoked by there altitude and pronounce curses upon them.

Brethren, whenever we refuse to acknowledge our wrong deeds that Satan whisper in our mind and leads us to disobey God, we provoke the Spirit of God. And when we deliberately continue to do wrong and find pleasure in sin, the Lord would depart from us and then Satan will come to bring trouble and sorrow and pain upon us even death. It is not wise and godly, to point evil fingers to other people and blame them for our mistakes, we are to accept our fault and wrongs and ask God for mercy and grace to overcome the evil desire and pleasure for sinning against God.

Be very sure brothers and sisters, that Satan really hate us we the children of God, and his evil desire is that we should suffer and be in pain and sorrow. That is why we as a children of God were not to listen to the evil whisper of Satan in our mind and thought, but to put our mind and thought on how to please our God and do his will and obey his words and commands so that all may go well with us.


I pray that may God help us to be humble to his word and keep his commands. May he deliver us from all the evil plans of Satan.

May the peace of God be with you all.



Bless you brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus all around the world, I greet you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. May the mercy and grace of God continue to be upon you. Today, the Lord want to talk to us about Faith in the time of troubles and difficulties.

Brethren, I want you to be rest assure that God knows what you want and needed in life. God knows whatever you are going through, for He has not forgotten you. The Lord Jesus is going to do a new thing in your life, for He has not forgotten his people. There are some circumstances that looks unmovable, the Lord is going to move them out of your way in the name of Jesus.

I have a good news for you brothers and sisters, the Lord is going to deal with every situations and circumstances that has tied you down. I don’t know how you think or what you are thinking, but one thing I do know is that the Lord Jesus will never and has never leave or forgotten those that seek him diligently with all their heart and soul. He has not never forgotten his chosen ones, the people he has elect and select for his kingdom.

Be rest assure and let your mind be reset that the Lord knows everything that we are going through in this life. When God is with you, you are not to be afraid in life, you are not to be afraid of the threat that comes from your enemies. You are not to pay attention to what people around you are saying about you but know that the God you serve will see you through and sees you through it powerfully in the name of Jesus.

May the anointing of God rest upon your heart so that you may be strong and courageous. And have Faith in Christ always.


God bless you

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour,

Pastor Kollins Arthur




I welcome you Brothers and Sisters in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. May God keep you and Favour you. May He make his light shine all over you in Jesus name.

In the book of John 17:17-19, Jesus said the father should sanctify us by the truth of his word. We should return to the source of truth.

The source of truth is a place where we go to find truth about God. A place where we run to and discover the truth about his kingdom. But now we are living in a world where truth had been rejected, in a world where truth no longer matter. Where those who bring the truth had been persecuted. People no longer interested or delighted in hearing the main truth about the Gospel of Christ and the righteousness of his kingdom.

But there was a time when truth was really honoured and respected, in the old days. But nowadays the truth is fading away and disappearing even right from the House of God. Those who are to speak the truth has traded the truth for fame and power and worldly pleasure. They had sold the truth of God for there own selfish gain and no longer for the interest of Christ whom they stand for. They say pleasant things to sweet the mind of the people who come to hear truth and never rebuke and correct their wrongs. So that people may be sound minded and pure.

The Lord Jesus prays for us that the Father may sanctify us, so that we may know the truth and return to it with all our heart and soul and mind. For it is the truth that will save us from death, pain and sorrows, difficulties and distresses. It’s only the truth of God’s word that will make our lives better and at peace. Or else, we will struggle with many things in this life and even in the life after death. For there is a life after death.

I pray that God may sanctify our heart with the truth of his word. So that we may live a Holy, joyful and peaceful life. May the good Lord bless you and keep you with love and truth.




Yours faithfully,

Pastor Kollins Arthur





Bless you brothers and sisters in the Lord.

God has made all of us in a unique way. Everyone is unique in his or her own way. Two people are not made the same way. God has made all of us special and wonderful. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. But we must search out our own uniqueness. We must draw closer to God to help us recognise our own special uniqueness. And not to duplicate or imitate another person gift.

According to the bible, After Moses the man of God has passed away, God called Joshua, and He said to Joshua, my servant Moses has joined his ancestor, and now prepare to carry the Israelite to the land I promise their ancestor. God said He would do a new thing, that the old former things are gone.

So, God did great thing through Joshua as He did through Moses, but in a different uniqueness. When we discover our own uniqueness, we become more effective in it without confusing. Then we operate according to our own destiny and not in a destiny of another person. We become successful and great.

Brothers and sisters, I pray that God would help you to recognise your own uniqueness and work on it, so that you may become whom God has made you to be.

May God’s love and mercy be with you always.

Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Pastor Kollins Arthur

