Gospel message of the day


The scientist have never been able to made a research on how to return rain that fall from the sky back to the cloud or the snow that fall, back to where it come from.

Human technology could not find a way to do these and neither do the scientist were able to come out with some ideas on how to return both rain and snow back to their former base.

All these makes us to belief that there is a God who is above other gods that we know on these earth and who is in control of the whole universe.

For He created all these things and made them available for us at each seasons and periods for our growth and development.

He is a God who is able to do more than what our human mind could ever imagine or comprehends. He is a mighty warrior and an extra-ordinary strategist.

Give God your heart, your life, your mind and your soul today; so that He may grant you wisdom that surpasses all human understanding.

And your life would be a life of meaning.

Remain Bless!!!


In the book of Jeremiah 17:5-10, “God said curse is the one who trust in man and who draw strength from mere men………” bible said we should build our life on God and not on people…when we begin to trust in men, our faith lies in human being and no more on God.

When you build your life on people, you had automatically rendered your life into their hands, and in that case, they can do whatever they like to hurt your emotion at anytime. When you build your life by the system of this world or trust in what the world says, your trust lies on the world

In the book of 1 John 2:4-5, God said “if anyone claim to know God and does not obey God’s commandment, that person is a liar, he or she is not living in truth.

God said we should not build our life on people, for human being can change their behavior and promises and not been able to fulfill what they had said, then we become disappointed, because we depend on them.

Dear brother and sisters in the Lord, I advise you today to put your total trust in God and seek the face of God always in prayer and petition, for our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we think or ask for, and in everything we should give thanks to God, for that is the will of God for us.


May God peace be with you always.


Light is our eyes and without the light of God, we live in darkness. The devil use darkness to take over the spirit and the mind of children of God. And that is the battle that we face as a believer on these earth, because we are living in a dark world and darkness surrounds all of us.
The only way to survive and succeed is through Jesus Christ. Through Jesus we overcome darkness, at the presence of Jesus darkness subdue and suppress forever. For Christ is light and he that dwell in Christ dwells in light, and where there is light, darkness had no place.
Beloved, I urge you today to remain in the light of Christ because that is the only guarantee for you to be successful in life, remain in light so that He may save you with his divine glory and power.

Remain Bless!!!

Pastor Kolis Arthur


To be Rich towards God, what does it means to us as a believer in Christ Jesus, It simply means ,we should be devoted to the things of the Spirit, to be devoted to the things of heaven, to be devoted to the Lord so that we can make eternity. To be regular and active in the work of the kingdom, to be fervent in our prayer towards the kingdom’s work and building a strong relationship with God day by day. To be consistence in paying our tithes, vows and thanksgiving, to be helping to build a strong believer in the Lord, to be helping in encouraging a new believer who just gave their life to Christ, to be eager to become a strong filled Spirit Christian. All these are how to work towards being rich to our father in heaven.

Rather than focusing our heart on material things, or to be famous or building riches and accumulating possessions on earth where everything would be destroy and left behind when we die, in these case we are being rich towards the desires of the earth and not being rich towards our father in heaven.