Beloved people of God, God’s divine children on this earth that seek him daily, that depends and trust in God for their strength, It’s time that we stand against the schemes of Satan, It’s time to say shame to Satan evil plots, shame to poverty, shame to failure, shame to rejection, shame to denial and shame to the spirit of impossibility. For we trust in God and He is the God that owns the key to our life and He has given us assurance and confidence, trust and Hope, that we should not fear anything, for we are more than conqueror, and greater is He that is in us than He that is the world, which is Satan.
Nothing would separate us from the Love that he has for us. For the Love of God is uncountable and unique. It is amazing Love. It is the Love that covers a multitude of our sins. His love is like stars in heaven that is uncountable.
I repeat once again that nothing can separate us from the Love that Christ has for us.
For He died and shed his blood on the cross of Calvary for our sake that we may have life, grace and mercy and peace on this earth, because of his blood we had been redeemed from our past life.
So nor the demons, nor the principalities, nor the arrow that come by day or night, nor death or destruction ,nor the height or depth, nor the spirit of this dark world shall be able to separate us from the love of Christ Jesus.
Satan is a liar, He claim to have everything in this world that we needed or ever wanted, that when we serve him, he would give us everything we needed,money,fame, prestige and luxurious life etc, but all this is the actual schemes of the devil to capture our mind back to the world.
All these things do not belong to Satan. It belongs to our father in Heaven the maker of heaven and earth.
Jesus is the way, the truth and life. He is only one that can quench our thirst with living water.
So beloved I urge each and everyone to do everything possible to love Christ unconditionally, to serve him unconditionally, and to praise him unconditionally and by doing so, our life would not remain the same.
May the peace of God be with you.
Falling of a man cause one to give up in life. The falling of a man causes a person to stay away from light and truth. What causes a man to belief and accept it’s over and to give up in life, is when problems comes on their way and the spirit of the dark world which is in control of them takes over their minds and thoughts .
Jesus is the only way out of pain, sorrow, sickness and death. He is the only one who can help you to rise up back when you fall. When you find Christ, he would open a new page in your life.
A page of second chance in life. For darkness only last for a night but joy comes in the morning. He would give you a new life, a life that is full of his divine protection from the control of the power of Satan.
Come to Christ today, so that He might help you out every situation you find yourself.
Remain Bless!!!
Pastor Kolis Arthur
Affliction comes in one’s life or in a believer’s life in order to help him to realize his stand in the Lord either as a strong believer or a weak believer. And often a time, when we are face with afflictions, we cast blames on our environments, on the people that surround us, on God and his people and many more.
And we believe, that is because we make up our mind to serve the Lord that is why we are bombard with afflictions, and in that case, we are looking for a way out and return back to the world again. Then we think and convince that, that would be a solution to the problems we are facing.
Biblically, God describe affliction in order to test our faith in him, our courage, our stands and our devotion to the Holy Spirit and order to test who we claim we are in the Lord.
God said in the book of Ezekiel 21:13 “Testing will surely come…….”
It is not easy to go through affliction and that is why God brings it to our life. He design it to help us to grow in him, to become strong in him, to overcome problems without casting blames on anyone or God.
For He wants to know how do we handle situations that looks rough, how do we handle our environment that everyone hates us for whom we are without reason, how do we handle our financial situation when we keep on borrowing and we call ourselves a child of God.
How do we bring the family together when they are broken apart, how do we stay persistent in our prayer and in our devotion to the Lord when everything is fallen apart. These are the things that God looks at when we are faced with afflictions.
As a believer in Christ Jesus, when you overcome all these challenges, it makes you worthy of God’s kingdom and qualified you as a true child of God that can brings hope for the hopeless, and be a source of strength for the weak because you had once go through all these trials and overcome them and the Lord will count you worthy of his own.
That is why God brings all these challenges to see whether we will be able to carry his cross and walk with him every day or we will leave it behind and return back to the world in our mind.
Those who overcome great afflictions remain stand in the Lord forever and never fall while those who do not persistent and run away and cast blames are not worthy of Christ and his kingdom.
Bible said in the book of psalm 34:19 “Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivers him out of them all….”
May the peace of the Lord guides you and strengthens you and help you to know that afflictions are not meant to destroy you but to help you to grow in the Lord and qualified you as a child of God.
May the peace of the Lord be with you all.