Gospel message of the day


Reset our thinking by the blood of the lamb and by the sacrifice that he made on the cross, he gave himself up so that we may have a new life in Christ. He died for us that we may inherit eternal life; his crucifixion took away our old life, our sins. We are being reborn into this world for the sake of the blood of Jesus.

As a believer in Christ Jesus, this is how we ought to think, to reason and to imagine, that Christ does not hold our past life against us, but given us a new opportunity to come to him and reconciled with him. He has open the door of a new beginning, a door of peace, a door of everlasting joy that cannot be stolen by any man or by any government or by the system of this world, a door of righteousness, a door of holiness, to leave a new that would bear fruit for his kingdom.

We out to exercise the power that Christ has placed on us, that we are saved by his blood and not been afraid of what comes on our ways, we should think like Christ, stand on the true word of God, confess it out and stand on it. “For God did not give us the spirit of fear but of confidence and boldness in Christ Jesus”. For the word of God said, “Stronger are they that are with us than those that are outside there”. Somewhere else he said “His word will not return back to him void until it accomplishes the purpose he sent it for”. Whatever God has spoken will surely come to pass.

This is how God want us to think and reason and to act and not be afraid or intimidated by any man. Remember he is our shield and refuge in times of troubles.

When you stand in Christ like these, devil cannot change or twist your mind toward your God, because you have the word of God in you. It is in your mouth, and in your heart. When you use it, you act it and practice it and live it, you will surely overcome the devil schemes.

May the grace of God be with you.



No one hope on what he or she already has, bible describe that is not hope at all but we all hope for something that we wish to have but it’s difficult for us to get hold of it. But when we have focus and determination to stand and believe in the power of God that He would make a way where it seems to be no way, that is what we call hope.

Hope gives us assurance that there is a better tomorrow if only we don’t give up on our goal in life.

Hope gives us confidence and assurance that the downfall of a man is not the end of his life.

If only you belief in Christ Jesus, then, you know that this is just the beginning of greatness and prosperity in your life.

The bible said if there is hope for a tree that has been cut off, and it leaves sprout out again, then there is a hope of a better future for us, because we are alive and we have Christ in us.


Christ is our hope.


Beloved, God has never stopped loving us ever since we are formed in our mother’s womb. He always loves us in any circumstances. The Lord watches over his children that loves him and he never turned his back on them, He would never turned his back against his children whom he predestined and foreknew before the world began. He is a father that cares for his beloved children, like a shepherd who search for his lost sheep, until he founds it and bring it home, he never rest., So the Lord cares so much for us who loves him dearly. “Good steadfast love of the Lord never ceases’t, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is his faithfulness towards his children”.

The only thing that causes separation between us and God is our sinful nature. Our sin has cause separation between us and God; Remember, He is a holy God and no darkness can dwell in him. If we can allow our mind to be led by the Spirit of God, the Lord would work greatly on our behalf and then we will see the manifestation of his glory in our life. He said come unto me all he that were heavily labored and I would give you rest. Come to God today, for he loves you.


Remain bless!!!

On this Thanksgiving day, we pause and take a moment to be thankful for all of our blessings. Above all, we express our sincere gratitude to the source of life and being. Thank you for the beauty of this world, for the smiles and laughter, for friendship and love, for the very gift of life. Thank you Lord.