Holy Father, we bless you today and we surrender ourselves to your Holy presence that you may take total control over our lives and manifest your presence in our lives. Strengthen us with power and equip us with more wisdom and knowledge and understanding of your word. (Amen)
Bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus around the world. The message the Lord has for us today is to be steady in the time of storm. When we talk about storm we are talking about pains, unbearable circumstances and challenges that confront us, depression, embarrassments, grieve, etc.
When we face storm in our lives, its because God is preparing us for a greater task ahead of us. He is preparing us for greater opportunities and blessing that is bringing on our way. It is through the storm that comes on our way that we learn more about God and depend on him more. It is through the storm that we learn discipline and obedience and patient.
How would you know that God is a miracle worker when you have not experience difficulties and challenges in your live. Therefore, we learn through the difficulties and pains that we go through.
The storm is meant for us to survive it and seek the Lord more through it. We should not pray that we bypass it, but we should pray that we overcome the storm by his strength and grace.
May the good Lord continue to empower us with more ability and grace to overcome every storm that confront us. Peace be with you always.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus around the world. I have a message of encouragement from the Lord for you today that God can change every situation in your life that is not in right order and make it well for the glory of his name. In the book of 2 king 20:1-11 God told prophet Isaiah to go to king Hezekiah and give him a message that is he is not going to recover from his illness, but he would die. But after king Hezekiah received this message, he did not fold his hands and gather his loved ones and start to weep but instead he brought his petition before God and weep bitterly to the Lord and remind God how he (king) had serve him (God) faithfully and wholeheartedly. And God grant Hezekiah request and spared him of his death and added extra 15 years to his life.
Therefore, brothers and sisters God who change the situation in the life of Hezekiah and took away the bad report of death from him that same God can do the same thing for me and you in any situation we find ourselves.
God would change things for us as He did for Hezekiah, If only we are willing and ready to do the same thing Hezekiah did. He prayed and prayed to God, he devoted himself to God’s work and serve him diligently and God heard his prayer.
We must call upon God to turn things around for us. And change the report of medical doctor or the report of schoolteacher or the report of government systems and so on. We should call upon God and he will make things well for us.
May the good Lord strengthen you and keep you from all evil. May He bless you with peace and love and more grace to overcome every challenge and situation that confront you.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you dear brothers and sisters, may the peace of God be with you.
In life we are confronted with many situations and challenges, difficulties, and distresses. And whenever our minds think on these problems that confront us, it develops into fear and worriedness, then we become unsure of how things would turn out.
We began to lose faith and confidence in God, we know longer remember his word and promises for us that said, even though we walk through the shadow of death, we should fear no evil. And He also said, we should not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day. And non the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plagues that destroys at midday. And so many other promises and assurance God had said to us through His word.
We soon forget all this great word of God when Satan tempt our faith to be sure if our heart is truly with God or on the world.
But when you truly walk with the Lord in your heart and mind and spirit, God will walk with you, He will not leave alone, and neither would he ever forsake you. When you serve him well, He would put you first. Then you would be above of every situation and not beneath. No man or spirits will be able to stand against you everyday of your life.
Believers in Christ, I urge you today to devote yourself fully with God, so that He will grant you victory over your enemies. Both the physical and the spiritual enemies.
May God bless you abundantly in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Yours Faithfully,
Pastor Kollins Arthur
Bless you dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, it’s a privileged to strengthen you with the word of God. Jesus is the gift of God. Jesus himself is God but He came to us in human form. Jesus offer himself to us as a gift for salvation and for peace in every area of our lives.
Before we can be God liking, we must first have the gift of giving. Since Jesus have been offered to us as a gift of salvation, He never ask from us anything in return, He always give and give without asking nothing back. All he asks from us is to have reverence for him by obeying his words and commands.
There so many ways a person can give for God service, you can be servant in the house of God, cleaning and arranging, is also giving, opening and closing the door of God’s house is also another way of giving for the kingdom of God.
Supporting financially and materially is also giving, giving your time for the service of God, coming together for prayers in the house of God and evangelizing to others about Christ love and mercy is also giving to God.
I pray that God will give us heart of reverence for the Lord and obedient to his word. May his grace and love abide with all of us.
Yours in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Pastor Collins Arthur