Here is the word of the Lord in the book of Hosea 14:1-9
Return, O Israel (Christian) to the Lord your God. Yours sins have been your downfall (problems, tragedy, pains, sorrows etc).Take words with you (pray fervently) and return to the Lord (repent). Say to him “forgive all our sins and receive us graciously. That we may offer the fruits of our lips (worships, praises, exaltation etc).
Assyria cannot save us (our knowledge cannot help us) we will not mount war-horses (we will not pretend to ourselves). We will never again say “Our gods to what our own hands have made. (We will not adore worthless things).for in you the fatherless find compassion.(for in Christ we find hope, healing ,peace ,salvation etc)
Then the Lord Almighty says to us “I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them, I will be like the dew (light) to Israel (Christian).He( Christian) will blossom (prosper ) like a lily. Like a cedar of Lebanon, his young shoots will grow (increase).His splendor will be like an olive tree, his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon. Men will dwell again in his shade, He will flourish like the corn He will blossom like a vine and his fane will be like the wine from Lebanon.
O Ephraim, what more have I to do with idols? I will answer him and care for him. I am like a green pine tree, your fruitfulness comes from me, says the Lord Almighty.
Who is wise? He will realize these things, who is discerning? He will understand them.
The ways of the Lord are right, the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.
God bless you….
If you dwell in the banner of Christ, you are guarantee of God’s divine protection and His blessings upon your life and your generations to come.
So far, the things that God request from his divine children is by living in His ways and obeying His principles, by doing these, He would then make all these blessings to be our portion from generation to generation to come.
Do not allow the nature of this world and the wisdom of this world to prevent you to miss God’s plan for your life.
For His plans are of good thought, prosperous future, good health and many more. He talks about these in the book of Jeremiah 29:11.
So brethren, let God be our guarding angel, so that He may lead us into this prosperous life.
Light brings one into his divine purpose where God has destined for him. When one work in the patterns of the darkness of these world, the light in the life of the person quench; the light of God in him disappear. For the light is our eyes that orders our steps to those that God has ordained in our life to fulfill our divine purpose on these earth. That is the reason the bible encourages us not to forsake the assembly of brethren and the gathering of Christ people where God’s light is present.
For the light of God to continue to remain upon our life, we need to be actively involved in the activities of God and by study and meditate on the word of God daily, by attending true Christian fellowship where the true word of God is been preached; the word of God that pierced and tears the wall of darkness that surround us.
Those are the places the children that had been destined and called by God should be.
According to the book of James 1:19-20, the word of God thought us to acquire wisdom and knowledge of God for ourselves as a believer and followers of Jesus Christ.
And also it is important for us to learn how to listen very well, and not only to listen without obeying the instruction, but we should also practice what the word says. Bible says if we want to see many good days on this earth, we should avoid evil talk and evil conversation; we should be slow in opening our lips.
When we are good in listening to the word of God very well, we gain the ability and confidence on how to pray, how to confront the devil with the right words at the right time and at the right moments. When we listen well, our spirit store up God’s divine words that pierce and tears down the enemies plans concerning our life.
Listening gives us the opportunity to stand against the challenges that confront our thought, the challenges that bring fear into our heart. For the word of God we listen to, brings hope, it brings liberty, it destroy the spirit of oppression and suppression out of our life.
Listening well to the word of God, brings confidence in our Christian faith, confidence to stand firm against tribulation and afflictions, confidence to break lose Satan activities through prayer by the authority of Christ that is in us.
So beloved children of God, followers of Christ Jesus our Lord, let us do everything in our best and in our ability through the help of Holy Spirit, to open up our mind to the true word of God that bring love,peace,joy and patience. For the word of God is our life. That is why it is important to listen and listen well to his word and his messages, By doing so, we will be able to carry out what the bible teaches us, on how to live right with ourselves and with our fellow brothers and sisters.
May the Spirit of the Lord grant you a willing heart to open your mind and ears to listen to Christ today. (Amen)