Gospel message of the day


The word of God let us know that with God all things are possible, what it is difficult for the ungodly, it is possible for we the children of God and that makes us special as followers of Christ.

In the book Matthew 15: 21, we learned about the Canaanite woman who ran to Christ concerning her daughter demonic problem, her belief and her trust in Christ made it possible for her child to be restored from a demon possessed spirit.

Also in the book of mark 5: 28, another great example for what is possible for we the followers of Christ, the story of a woman who had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors. She was going though demonic sickness of bleeding for twelve good years, she could not get help from the world but her belief and trust and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ, she was made whole, and set free and cleansed from the demonic bleeding through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

So beloved, as a prophet of God, I encourage you not to lose your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Stand strong and stand tall and know that the Lord is with you always, in good time and in bad time. He would not leave you not forsake you, He hears our crying and prayers, he would make the impossible to be possible.

Continue to believe in the Lord.

God bless you as you read this message of encouragement.

Always know that God loves you first.


In the book of Romans 12:1-8, bible said our body is the temple of God, our body is meant to use to worship and exalt God and glorify his name. Not only when we commit adultery or fornication but God is talking generally to his service of his kingdom. God lives in our body, our body became a vessel for God’s purpose use. We must give ourselves to God to be use for his purpose. But when God depart from a person life, he/she body became a vessel for Lucifer to use.

Our body is meant to exalt God and praise his only name. God wants to remain in our body, because we belong to God and God belong to us. We are one with God. He created us and knows what is good for us. He want our body to be use to praise his holy name and to exalt him day and night.

Whatever a person exalts and glorify, that means his heart is connect to it. Whatever you praise often, that means you have relationship with that thing. God is Spirit, and we must worship him from our heart where our spirit dwells. We must give our heart totally to God not partially or not when we feel like to praise God.

When we don’t give our body fully to God, we became an instrument for Satan to use. God want to be in charge of our life, He wants to be in control of our ways, our thought, our ideas, only if we can give him chance, because when Christ is in control of our life, we have hope and peace, and all goes well with us, but when we put God aside, and refuse to allow him to be in control of our life, our life become a life of confusion and disorder.

When we use our body to praise God, we receive God’s divine protection, peace and good health, victory etc then all goes well with us, whatever we touch shall be bless. And whatever we ask for in prayer, he grants it to us. But when we refuse to give our body fully to God, Then we are in contempt with God.


I pray that may God use your body as a vessel for his glorious work.

The peace of God has been given to us by God, because He wants us to live by his Word. The Word of God that stands as our anchor, as our faith, as our confidence, and as our joy. The Word of God brings calmness into our life; He brightens our life and gives us hope. The Word of God takes over our frustration and his Word does not give room for doubt if we believe in it.

That is the peace He has made available for us as his children, the peace that comes from his Word and the Word is through the good book of life, HOLY BIBLE.

We should do everything possible to abide with the Holy Bible day by day, meditate on it. And just as we eat every day, so also the Word of God is to be for us, to be read every day, because that is where the peace and the joy come from, through the Word of God.

The more we read it, the more we study it, the more we meditate on it, the more it becomes part of us. And when we are face with tribulation and challenges, we exercise God’s Word to confront the situation and his divine power would manifest.

So as a believer in the Lord and followers of Christ Jesus, for us to grow in the Lord and move to the next level in our Christian life, we need to keep on meditating the Word of God every day. We need to do our best not to forsake the true assembly of brethren, to be regular in attending living church and to participate in the activities of God’s work and that is the only way that the Spirit of God would help us to increase in his glory and in his anointing.

God bless you in Christ our Lord.

In the book of Jeremiah 17:5-10, “God said curse is the one who trust in man and who draw strength from mere men………” bible said we should build our life on God and not on people…when we begin to trust in men, our faith lies in human being and no more on God.

When you build your life on people, you had automatically rendered your life into their hands, and in that case, they can do whatever they like to hurt your emotion at anytime. When you build your life by the system of this world or trust in what the world says, your trust lies on the world

In the book of 1 John 2:4-5, God said “if anyone claim to know God and does not obey God’s commandment, that person is a liar, he or she is not living in truth.

God said we should not build our life on people, for human being can change their behavior and promises and not been able to fulfill what they had said, then we become disappointed, because we depend on them.

Dear brother and sisters in the Lord, I advise you today to put your total trust in God and seek the face of God always in prayer and petition, for our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we think or ask for, and in everything we should give thanks to God, for that is the will of God for us.


May God’s peace be with you always.