Gospel message of the day

In the book of Jeremiah 17:5-10, “God said curse is the one who trust in man and who draw strength from mere men………” bible said we should build our life on God and not on people…when we begin to trust in men, our faith lies in human being and no more on God.

When you build your life on people, you had automatically rendered your life into their hands, and in that case, they can do whatever they like to hurt your emotion at anytime. When you build your life by the system of this world or trust in what the world says, your trust lies on the world

In the book of 1 John 2:4-5, God said “if anyone claim to know God and does not obey God’s commandment, that person is a liar, he or she is not living in truth.

God said we should not build our life on people, for human being can change their behavior and promises and not been able to fulfill what they had said, then we become disappointed, because we depend on them.

Dear brother and sisters in the Lord, I advise you today to put your total trust in God and seek the face of God always in prayer and petition, for our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we think or ask for, and in everything we should give thanks to God, for that is the will of God for us. And always know that God loves you first.


May God’s peace be with you always.


Greetings, fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. The bible teaches us in the book of Ephesians 6:10-13…” that we should be strong in the Lord and put on the full armor of God against the evil day. Because our struggle as a followers of Christ are not physical but are spiritual. We are face with evil spirit, wicked spirit in the heavenly realm, so therefore, beloved we need to be strong in prayer to overcome the attack of the spirit that are not physical.

The bible teaches in the book of 1 Samuel 2:9 “….that it is not by strength that one prevails, but by the Spirit and the wisdom of God. Samson was strong but he failed because he lack wisdom, so beloved you see what I’m talking about, that been prayerful, gaining wisdom and knowledge of Christ is what been strong in the Lord is all about.

How do you become strong in prayer if you say I don’t know how to pray? I encourage you to read your bible often if you have the chance, it will help you, if you don’t have bible you can download one on your iphone through the app. Because when you read the bible, that is where you get the words to use to pray to help you with confidence, kill the fear of the world and gives you strength and courage in Christ Jesus.

For example, I would suggest you take a moment when you are about to leave the house to pray, how do you do that …”father God, unto thy hands I commit my spirit, protect me throughout the day, my going out and my coming in” in Jesus name. Amen…That is before you leave the house ,also when you get to work, take a little moment to pray and say  “ father God, unto thy hands I commit my work, give me the strength to do my work successfully in Jesus name. Amen

You know beloved, this is just the beginning of building your inner spirit to gain strength and being strong in the Lord, to overcome the challenges and attacks of our enemies. Don’t also forget when you step into your car, motorbike, public transport, whatever it may be, to commit your ways into his hands by asking him to protect you against accident and grant you safe journey in Jesus name. Beloved, it is the proper and perfect way to build relationship with Christ by putting God first in prayer and by being honest to God and to yourself in everything you do in life, because prayer is the only way to stand strong and overcome the evil of this world.

So putting on the full armor of God and being strong in the Lord is not about wearing armor that is use in the warfare but it means being prayerful and truthful.

In case you want to build your spiritual life through prayer and being strong in the Lord as a child of God, check the church website and click the prayer link, you will see prayers that addresses all kinds of issues concerning life, and learn from it, I believe it would help you to grow in the Lord and in prayer.

Beloved I have to go now, always remember God loves you first. May the peace of God be upon you all.



Brothers and Sisters, I greet you all in the name of Jesus. We children of God that lives and walk in the ways of Christ, our cleanness is not only outside but also inside. Because we live under the righteousness and holiness of Christ and we understand the meaning of light.

We learnt from the book of Matthew 15:18-20, “…that what comes out of a man’s heart is what is stored in their heart and the heart contains jealousy, envyness selfishness, murder, sexual immorality, self-seeking, and greed. This all together I described as vessel of evil thoughts and that is what makes a man unclean and not what we eat or wear. These are the challenges that we face in this world, people are not whom they claim to be, they look nice, kind outwardly but inwardly they are full of evil and it is difficult to predict whom they are, only God knows and can help us.

Beloved, that is why we Christian need Christ, for Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  When we come to him, he teaches us wisdom, knowledge and righteousness that leads to holiness. He helps us to overcome our imperfection to enables us to differentiate between light and darkness. With God there is peace that surpasses all human understanding, the peace that we cannot find in this world.

The world sees cleanness from outwardly but we the believers in Christ sees cleanness from inwardly. The cleanness of the world depends on how they look outwardly, and what they wear, how people sees them which based on human preception. It is because it comes with the desire of the world and not the desire of God.

We learnt in the bible from the book of Matthew 6;33 “… that we should seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other things  shall be added unto us, which means both living things and non living things. As we live under the grace and dwell in the cleanness of God’s heart, everything we desire, and need or want, would be made possible for us in Jesus name.

Brothers and Sisters, friends and loved ones, believers in Christ. I came in peace not to judge and not to condemn, but to encourage and to help a fellow believer to live for Christ and to grow in the Lord stronger and your live would not be the same. With Christ there is everlasting peace and compassionate love that cannot be find in this world.

Let’s hold on to our faith in Christ and stand strong and courageous in the Lord, no matter the circumstances and challenges that confront us in our daily lives, God is in charge of it and on top of it and he would help us to overcome them all. So let’s live in love and kindness with one another because Christ is love.

I have to go now, always remember God loves you first. May the peace of God be upon you all. (Amen)



Beloved, you are bless and highly favored to be called the children of God. There are three ways to reach out to God: (a) Believe   (b) Trust   (c) Faith. These are ways I believe as a prophet of God that would help us in reaching out to God in truth.

Without Belief, you can’t hope for life with positive prospective, our thinking become doubtful and negative in everything that we do as a child of God and we don’t need that. That is why it is important to belief in God first. As bible says in the book of Hebrew 11:6 that “Without faith it’s impossible to please God ….”.

Without Trust  you can’t belief in anyone; and that makes it difficult to serve God with confident and hope, because you see everyone around you to be untruthful and dishonest, that cannot be trusted, that is how the world thinks and reason .

But we are not to think as the world thinks because we are followers of Christ. And the bible teaches us in the book of proverbs 3:5 “that we should trust in the Lord with all our heart and soul and mind and lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways we should trust in God and acknowledge him that he may acknowledge us.

Faith, we learnt from the bible that faith without work is dead. And faith is of things hope for and evident of things not seen. So, we are believing and hoping that the Lord would brings our request to fulfillment even though we can’t see it. And when we pray and ask something from God, the bible expect us to put our faith into action, not to seat down and be imagine when will the blessing come and how would it happen. Beloved, the good news is that God is also expecting us to make a move concerning the situation we present to him as a request that he may act on our behalf.

As he says, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears and open his heart, I would come in and stay and accept him and turn his life around and make him a new person. which means he’s knocking at our heart and mind . Our heart is what God searches, as we learn in the book of Jeremiah 17: 9-10 “ ….that the Lord searches the heart and the mind of every human being and reward them according to their deeds and conduct”.

So beloved I encourage everyone to remain steadfast, open up to the Lord Almighty God in prayer, for prayer is the key to our breakthrough and salvation. That God may encamps us with his love, mercy and compassion.

And always know that God loves you first no matter what.

Remain bless

Pastor Kolis Arthur