Gospel message of the day


Greetings dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,I'm here today to enlighten and strengthen you more in your faith.In life, many people had set there minds on only positive things always without thinking that there are days when things change and turn other way round.When good things happen to us,we are so happy and bless God,we rejoice and full of thanksgiving to God,but when bad things happen and unexpected events come around us,we become bitter and begin to cast blames on everyone and even unto God.We begin to talk and speak like unbeliever and ungodly person,We speak down on our own blessings,we ask many questions why things go bad.
But we forget that God said in his Holy Word that " arm yourself with the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes,we may be able to stand against the schemes of Satan".Many Christians are ignorant of the day of evil,they are not prepared,and neither do they aware of the schemes of Satan. In there minds, they only expect good and blessings always not bad.

Bible said,in all things, we ought to give thanks to God, praise his Holy name,exalt him, acknowledge him,reverence him, and bless him.For He is our life,our healer, our refuge and fortress,our stronghold in times of distress and in time of difficulties. Without him we can do nothing,we are empty without Christ, for in him we live and move and have our being.He changeth not, his love for us always remain the same.

We should be hopeful and not giving up in time of our challenges and distress,we should not speak down on our God and on all his blessings upon us.Bible said "if there is a hope for a tree that had been cut off but sprout out again,then there is a hope for me and you.  For if there is live, then there is hope.Only those who are alive can hope for better tomorrow.And when you belief in God and call upon his name without giving up,He will surely make all things work for good for you.All that God need from me and you is to be fervent in our prayer and be grateful and thankful in all things,for that his is will for us who love him.
Brothers and Sisters, believers in Christ Jesus our Lord,I urge you today to draw more closer to God,so that He may empowers you with strength and ability to stand in the days of challenges.
And always know that God loves you first. May the peace of the Lord be with you always.

Remain Bless!!!

Pastor Kolis Arthur


Greetings Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, I’m here to encourage you on how to live a discipline life as a child of God. In the book of Hebrews 12:7-11, God talks about discipline as a major key of our life and we his children must undergo discipline for our life to be successful and for our ways to be pleasing to him.

And for us to live a life that is discipline by God, we must truly seek God from our heart in prayer for changes and we must humbly and respectfully submit to the right leader that God has place over us for correction and guidance, and also meditate on the word of God daily. In doing these, a new thing begins in our life, then we are no longer the same person we were before, our mind of knowledge and understanding grows rapidly. Then we will be able to make a right decision that would bring prosperity and peace to our life. And in so doing, we are living a discipline life as a child of God.

When a child of God is not well disciplined, his/her attitude and character contradict the Way of Christ he follows, he may be serving God well enough, but his knowledge and wisdom and understanding would be low, and his spiritual growth and authority would be less. Discipline helps us to grow in the Lord rapidly; it helps us to walk in the right path of life that God has prepared for us with full knowledge and wisdom that comes from God. Discipline produces good character, patient, humbleness, endurances and self control.

For more knowledge about discipline, you can read the book of proverbs 10:17, proverbs 12:1 and also proverbs 13:18, for more enlightenment.

Remember, a discipline life is the life that pleases God, God loves a discipline person, and discipline brings us closer to our glorious destiny. Bible says “whom God loves, God discipline”, therefore I encourage you today to accept discipline as a right path of life of God.

Thank you all, and always remember God loves you first. May the peace of the Lord be with you.



Beloved, God’s Children, when you believe in the Lord Jesus and live right with him, he would watch over you and protect you from all evil and from all the schemes of the devil. For God is our guardian, our stronghold and refuge in the time of troubles and difficulties. He would take away everything that causes fear and sin out of our life, so that we may live a righteous and holy life that pleases Him. For Christ has not given us the Spirit of fear, but rather the spirit of love, confidence, boldness and sound mind, so that we may live in peace and enjoy his grace and love in this land of living.

To live right for God means that we must always resist all kinds of evil, totally avoid them, and to strongly condemn it, to be always prayerful and strong in the Lord and not doubt the power of God and what he can do, to always believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation of every soul, and to believe that He would not let His children that believe in him down. For he has said “The righteous shall live by faith”.

To overcome the forces of enemies and powers of darkness in our life, we need to be fervent in our prayers and exercise the name of Jesus with authority and power that is on it. He has given us authority to cast out every spirit that is within us that causes and makes us behave in an ungodly manner.

He has given us authority over the spirit of confusion in our life, over the spirit of fear, rejection, failure, weakness, backsliding, evil thought, jealousy, envies, sickness, and tiredness of life.

We should exercise the name of Jesus with authority, and confidently call the Holy Ghost fire to come down from heaven and consume the demons and powers of darkness, to neutralize the destructive spirit in the heavenly realm, to break loose their strongholds, to conquered them with authority and power that Christ has given us, Beloved, for power is in our hands.

Beloved, live in power of God every day, and remain in God’s strength. May God’s grace never depart from you all. God bless you.



Theme: Dynamic Preaching ,Salvation   Deliverance, Prayer for the Sick

Date: On Saturday June 24th at 17:30uur - 19:00uur and Sunday June 25th at 13:00uur - 15:00uur.

Location: Lichtenberchdreef 4, 3562RD Overvecht Utrecht Netherland.

Host Pastor: Pastor Kolis Arthur (Head Pastor), House of Worship Ministry, Utrecht, Netherland.

Guest Pastor: Prophetic Bishop Jude. N. Chineme  , Redemption Life Fellowship,         Lagos, Nigeria


Come and believe God with us for your miracle and your life would not be the same.